About Us
Focus on sourcing hard-to-find electronic components
HARD FIND CHIP (HardFindChip) is affiliated with ChipsLink International Limited. It is a team specially established to find Shortage, Obsolete, end of life(EOL) parts, restricted parts, and other hard-to-find parts.
HARD FIND CHIP has maintained a consistent commitment since 2020 to help customers swiftly and accurately locate obsolete and hard-to-find components, as well as to source commonly used parts at competitive prices.
We recognize the challenges associated with sourcing outdated electronic components, which can require buyers to spend up to 60% more time compared to conventional parts. To address this issue, we continually optimize our inventory and leverage a global supplier network, aiming to shorten procurement cycles, reduce transaction costs, and deliver quality electronic components at competitive rates.
At the same time, we also offer cost-effective alternative solutions for electronic parts.